Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Please bear with me while I go through some Blog restructuring.  I love this format, but my wife thinks the banner sort of looks like the holocaust.  In reality, it's a bunch of drunk Russians ice fishing, which, admittedly, it's kind of hard to see.  In the meantime, though, enjoy this super awesome video!  He gets his sexy on there at the very end. 


  1. Oh dude, Sammy is so cute!!!

    Rolling over already? Gosh they grow quick. I believe I made the same yay, woohoo, woot woot sounds when my son rolled over.

    Love the pose. He's got it.

    And hey, new look!

  2. Oh, Sammy is sooooooo cute!

    Although, I do agree with your wife. until you wrote abot drunk fisherman, I thought there were too many dead people atop of your page :0)

  3. Not sure about the blog header... Sammy on the other hand-adorable!

  4. You've got such a cute little guy there! As for the blog header...I thought maybe it was an Antacrtica expedition. lol Drunk Russians is better (says someone married to one...Russian, minus the Drunk part!). :>

  5. He is so cute, can you believe how fast they change? Can't wait to see the new look!

  6. That's so stinkin cute. I love the pose at the end, and Luke also does the little spitty/air blow thing. I love watching them roll over. btw, also love your new look!


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