Friday, May 27, 2011


So, Liz over at A Belle, a Bean & a Chicago Dog has sent out the word to group together and show your senioritis.

I was excited to participate, but could only find pictures from my yearbook, and one random photo I have from Facebook.  The ones pulled from the yearbook are black and white...because my super awesome school didn't print the yearbook in color.

And without further ado, in order of formality, here they are!

This is the super formal senior picture that was from the yearbook.  If you look REAL closely, you can see my eyebrow ring over my right eye.  Whoa, what, eyebrow ring, did you say?  Yes - you read that correctly.  I thought I was a total badass.  Turns out...not so much.

The next one is from the very last swim meet I ever competed in.  I kicked a bit of the ass in this particular meet.  Also, if you can't tell, yes...that IS a speedo.  

I was voted "Craziest" in high school and the photographer asked that I tie up my AP physics professor.  This man worked at NASA Langley and LITERALLY helped send people to the moon.  He also worked on the Voyager missions, and was probably the most brilliant person I've ever met.  I am shooting him with a water pistol.  We were great friends.

And the final picture was from a trip my buddies and I took after graduation down to Nags Head, NC.

That's me in the middle.  With that dude's finger in my nose.  Smoking a cigarette.  Gut hangin' out.  The guy on my left got real drunk the night before and just woke up from being passed out.  We drew a penis and a spanish mustache on his face and breasts on his chest.  He hadn't figured it out yet.

So there you have it.  Me in a speedo, all for the sake of showing you that...

Though I changed my blog post title to #SeñorHotty cause I wanted to make sure the fact that I was a dude was in there.  

If you wanna check out other people's awesome pictures, head over to A Belle, A Bean, & A Chicago Dog and link up with her to get YOUR awesome on!  You have until Sunday to link up and show people how hot you were as a senior.


  1. These pictures are hilarious. A speedo, an eyebrow ring, a tied up teacher and an illustrated friend... sounds like a completely uneventful high school career.

  2. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for doing this! I LOVE these photos! And the stories that accompany them, too.

    I just tweeted about your eyebrow ring (though I accidentally tweeted nose ring and not eyebrow ring) and speedos!

  3. I smoked in HS too and there are a few pics of me caught in the act. I used to pray my parents wouldn't find them. There is even one of me lighing up in my Poms uniform...tres chic.

  4. hilarious. And why am I not surprised that you were voted craziest?

  5. The third one, because it is black and white, looks like it was taken from a HUAC hearing.

    Great photos!

  6. OMG hilarious! From the speedo to the nose to senor- LOVE!

    Also? I was voted "DMVs Most Wanted" and am thinking that our photographer could have taken a lesson from yours- that pic is genius!

  7. Awesome! You looked like you had way too much fun!

  8. What great photos! I had to really look to see the ring.

  9. Hilarious post, MR. Senior Hottie.

  10. You seriously raised the bar, señor.

  11. Like. Very much. High school must have been great fun!

  12. I love it!

    I can't post mine because I have to protect my daughters' identity but sufficed to say my Slavic blonde self had red hair then. Super hotty, yes I was. Now, I'm 30 and it sucks :/

    Love the speedo photo. What did your wife say to that one when she saw it?


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